
Awesome day (well, now yesterday). I met with some fellow church planters from the Baltimore Baptist Association in their NCI group (New Church Incubator). It was a pleasant meeting and good to finally meet up with Roger Kim who pastors a church on the campus of Johns Hopkins University. We meet tomorrow (um... today) @ Panera Bread in Towson. I am looking forward to chillin' with him.

Afterwards, we met for lunch with Dr. David Lee, the BCMD's Executive Director. We had a lot of dialogue about church planters versus existing church pastors. He expressed many of the concerns pastors have about church planting and, mainly, church planters. Some of my thoughts to pastors:

1. No, I do not think you are stupid or out-dated. NO WAY. Likewise, do not consider me to be "green," lacking experience, and unorthodox.
2. No, I do not think traditional worship is bad, evil, and ancient history. Likewise, do not consider the way I worship to be bad, evil, or a new form of an old heresy.
3. I do not attend a lot of meetings because I try to devote my time to connecting with pre-Christians.
4. I am hard to reach because I have no secretary. My cell phone and my laptop is my office.
5. Call me anyway... let's connect. I want to learn from you and hopefully I can give you something in return.
6. I give to the Coopertive Program; please do not stereotype ALL church plants to be the same. Some of us know our roots and from where we came.
7. I speak a different language than you, but the content is the same.

More later... It's late! *yawn*


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