
Celebrating the Life of Jason Wallace, Jr.

This morning I made a trek to Essex to Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church to share in the grief of Jason and Allison with the death of their son. The service was beautiful. The transcendent nature of the sanctuary was a reminder that all of us in Christ transcend this world to the next. Graphic reminders abounded that our Lord suffered the same fate we all will soon face, that of death... stations of the cross were all around. Yet, this little one has beaten us all to the punch. He's there already...

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these... Amen.

I was reminded of the day Joshua was born. There simply is no other feeling in the world than to feel your newborn's grip on your pinky. To see a child, your child, brought into the world is such an amazing thing. I couldn't help but think... what if I had lost him after a week? Each hour would mean so much. Each breath. Each touch. Wow, what things we take for granted in this life. Jason... you have been a great teacher for me today.

My prayers are for your mom and dad, my friend. May they see you again in time.

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