
I love Horizon, so should you...

Well, I gave my last message this last Sunday @ Horizon. That was sort of surreal. What a blessing the last 6 years have been! I have been blessed in working with some of the greatest followers of Christ I have ever known. I have seen many lives changed, and I have had the privilege of baptizing many of them... How cool is that? I have also seen the birth of two new churches here in Maryland... nothing could be better.

It looks as if we not have a commissioning service; time seems to be ticking away. Much of what I will say here I had hoped to share there, but this will suffice:

I love you... each and every one of you. You have all taught me so much. You have been my greatest of teachers. I am thankful for every experience I have had with you because each experience has strengthened my relationship with Christ in some way. Thanks! I will miss you; every one of you. Thanks for being my family, my community, my friends.

My prayer is that you will continue to carry the torch for Church Planting, that the mission set before us to reach the NE will be met, that relationships will embody a healthy community, that you never lose sight of God's Word nor quench the Holy Spirit, and that you will continue to love one another in the manner that Christ loves you. Always remember the ones that have yet to hear and have yet to experience Christ's love and grace. Develop them, as God gives you the grace to, into fully devoted followers of Him. Persevere, press on... never give up! Be a people known for grace and encouragement, not criticism or challenge. May you love people with the five love languages: lift them up with praise, give them a hug, spend time with them, serve them, and lavish them with gifts. Forgive one another. Stand for Truth, know the Truth, and live the Truth. Be ever broken before God, never prideful or arrogant. Always remember that Christ loved you while you were yet sinners, and love all the sinners of the world as Christ did for you.

My prayer is that God will bless you and keep you... all of you. And that He that began a good work in you will see it to it's completion. I leave you now, but only in a physical way. You will always be in my heart, as cheesy as that may sound. I will take you wherever I go.

God's peace...


Mary said...


The same prayer goes for Kimme, you & the kids as you venture out into the unknown sharing what it is we were all sent to do for God. To be his disciples.

You and Kimme will do amazing things in Arizona. And everyone here that loves and cares for you guys will miss you greatly. But as well you will never be gone from us. You, Kimme & the kids will always remain in our hearts & prayers.

I love you, Kimme and the kids and pray only great things happen with the wonder gifts God has given each one of you.

Anonymous said...

This is Bill Craig from Frederick, MD.
Give me a call or e-mail your #
I'd like to talk to you.

You are in my prayers.