
The Power of Prayer

I had the most amazing experience last night. It was mother's day and I had not yet reached my grandmother and given her a call. We connected, and the most amazing conversation ensued. I don't know how many of you know this, but my grandmother has cancer. She is refusing treatments, which is saddening to all of us that love her so. But she feels this is the best thing for her, and we are done arguing with her. But with a disease like this, one knows that the end is near. This is unlike a sudden death like a car crash, or whatever. So, in a weird way, this has been a blessing... I know that now is the time to say all the stuff I need to say. I didn't have that with any of the other three grandparents that died, so I am cherishing this with Grand Ann.

At the end of our conversation, we ended in prayer... as we generally do. Man, this was an amazing prayer... saturated and dripping with the Spirit of God. What an honor and privilege it is to have a grandmother that I can pray with... one that led me to the Lord, one that has passed the torch of evangelism to me... and hopefully generations ahead!

I love you, grandmother. You have run the race. You have fought the good fight of faith. I am proud to be your grandson.


Jesse said...

Wow! I think we all want to leave a lasting impression on those around us, especially family. It's great to see that she has done that for you, and you in turn are affecting lives around you! What a powerful legacy!

Dave said...

Thanks, Jesse, for taking the time to read that. Yes, my grandmother definitely left a legacy of faith to me and hopefully for generations to come.

Dave said...

Dale! I am so honored that you would visit my blog and express such kind words about my grandmother. And though I am a bit biased since she is my grandmother, I have to admit that every word you have spoken about her is true. I, too, have witnessed it with my own eyes. She is an evangelist like none other.

Thanks, Dale!