

Is there ever a time that a church or religious organization becomes it's own canon to the point in which is in conflict with God's canon? Are there times in which the community overrules God? What is our response to be within that community, if this is the case... and what has God done Biblically in cases such as this, supposing they do exist?

I realize this is a loaded question with lots of definitions to be made and articulated, but I thought it might be a good topic to jump start my blog. :)

1 comment:

tali said...

assumption: canon = list/system of rights and wrongs (or thruths)

no one thinks their canon is conflict with God's (though it may well be.) who wakes up in the morning and says "well, God's okay with this, but i think it's wrong" ?

granted, more than a few of us wake up and say "well, God said not to do this, but . . ."

that said, IMHO, you might want to think twice if parts of your canon are "just-in-case" clauses - eg forbiding mixing of meat & dairy in any form, as an extension of the bit in leviticus (i think?) which forbids cooking a young goat in it's mother's milk.