Hey, this is something I have been thinking about posting for a while, so here we go. The following (with more to come) are THE VERY FIRST dialogue/discussion stuff between me and Clay when we first met about hooking up for a church plant. Keep in mind as you read these several things:
1. Clay and I knew each other, though not fully. So as you read these, you see two guys trying to get to each other's heart: what makes the other tick.
2. Kimme and I had been speaking with folks in Maryland since mid-May 1999. These conversations began around late November; hence the reason for Clay's questions about the place.
3. When you see something called "the Mix," that was my previous ministry Kimme and I started in New Orleans. When you see Chicago mentioned, it was the possible church plant we turned down to come here.
3. I have left these unedited. I am sure you will get a laugh or two out of this, as I did, knowing how things turned out.
Enjoy! We'll start with Clay's questions to me in an e-mail dated Sunday, November 21, 1999... subject heading: How Cowan got his groove back.
Hey Dave,
Sorry for keeping you on the line earlier. Just tell
me when you've got company and I won't ask any
Maryland type questions.
Speaking of questions...
In what town are you planing to plant?
In the literature this community seems to be more
suburban in nature wanting to be a small town. They
are working to cap off any more quick growth,
preserving farm lands. Is this area a prime spot for
a church plant?
Do you already have a plan or are you still working on
how you would start? have you defined the purpose,
estabished rough goals, etc? or is it too early for
What are you looking for in help (are you really even
looking for help or just intrigued) from someone else
joining you in a church plant? What do you need?
What do you see as your role and giftedness? What
would be your role in the first year, second, and
This county is about an hour and a half north of where
I lived in Maryland. My community (Upper Marlboro in
Prince George county) was a part of the whole
Chesapeke bay mentality and this community looks like
it has more of a foothills personality. A lot of
people are probably moving to Carrol from Baltimore so
those people may be more like the people I remember.
I taught high school art for two years (drawing,
painting, pottery) and there seems to be a focus on
the arts in Carrol county. Could help. Allison has a
beautiful voice and is learing to play guitar. She is
the praise leader for the Bible in Blue Jeans (we did
not get a vote on the name for our mini-mix by the
way) but she is working to get beyond the few cords
she is using now. She has a bachelor's in Journalism,
but one more year and she can get the teaching degree
she wants. If that could happen the first year it
would be good for us.
I am amazed by the possibility of doing this. I am
confident that I could pastor a more traditional
church in the bible belt and be pretty good at it, so
it has nothing to do with running from anything. We
do not have enough churches and we do not have near
enough churches with God-focus...this has to change
and I get giddy thinking I could be a part of that.
I would like to talk to Dr. Weathersby soon. I am
late getting in on the neimiah project, but if I act
right away it can be done. Let me know if you are
still thinking about this and when we can talk more.
Take care
My response: Dated Monday, November 22, 1999... subject heading: lookin' for housing? groovy!
Speaking of answers...
Speaking of questions...
"In what town are you planing to plant?"
Well, the target area for Bill Crowe (associational director) is Westminister.
"In the literature this community seems to be more suburban in nature wanting to be a small town. They are working to cap off any more quick growth, preserving farm lands. Is this area a prime spot for a church plant?"
Yes, this was my big concern. I really felt like, "Hey, this AIN'T me, OK?" In fact, things look worse when you look at the psychographics. That stuff makes it look like grandma, apple pie, and USA. I was REAL concerned about this, and was honest with Bill telling him beforehand that when I interviewed and saw the town in better detail and didn't "feel" it, I wanted another suggestion. His suggestion was Elkridge, a SW suburb of Baltimore. I was excited about that until our trip to Westminister.
Remember, the intent is to start a church for the 18-30 age group (Exactly what I do here!). I SAW THAT AGE GROUP EVERYWHERE I WENT and NO ONE WAS REACHING THEM. Yes, the leaders of the town are trying to keep the small town a small town, and they are putting a cap on growth (VERY unlike the situation I told you about in Chicago). But I ask you, where are these people coming from? Well, Baltimore and DC. There are MANY new homes, especially on the West side of Westminister, that are very chic. There is NO WAY that these people work in Westminister. No way! So, they have the city mindset, but like to get away to the suburbs. Interestingly, this town has two universities:
Western Maryland College (link)
Carroll County Community College
"TEAMING WITH THE 18-30 RANGE: Do you already have a plan or are you still working on how you would start? Have you defined the purpose, established rough goals, etc.? Or is it too early for that?"
That's a tough set of questions. Here's where I am coming from right now. I have a very rough idea of things at this point. The ball will begin to roll soon about finding out more concerning our target audience. Bill and I have discussed the awesome call survey I had mentioned to you. That will most likely take place in January 2000 sometime. That will help us IMMENSELY in finding out what to do next.
I would be a little nervous about purpose and core values without meeting with the possible "core" people. I'd like to meet with the possible "core" and do a study from God's word about His church as well as an education on the target audience (18-30). Out of that may come something very similar, if not identical to the MIX, but only God knows. I have toyed with the concept of spreading the MIX like a GOD virus across the land, targeting unchurched areas. The MIX might still work, name and all, as a Seeker type service. Who knows? Just ideas, just ideas...
I get the feeling that the format of things will be similar to the MIX, yet maybe a bit more mature, (like, I am not sure about having games, unless we had someone really good to do them or something. My guess is that the professionals may not dig that, but I still think they would dig quality music. I asked EVERY Xer I ran into down there about Westminister, what they thought, and I got an interesting picture. Apparently, music and arts (as you noted) are big. That means, the music MUST be top notch. That will be tough. There will still be need for the ol' acoustic in small group settings.
"What are you looking for in help (are you really even looking for help or just intrigued) from someone else joining you in a church plant? What do you need?"
I am VERY interested in help. I really believe in a team approach. I work really well in that environment, as a typical Xer. As you may recall, that's what the setup was to be in Chicago. My hopes still linger with the possibility that some of the MIXers here will join the work up there. Again, if the MIX spreads, I could see the MIX here in NOLA as a training ground for sending out trained and ready MIX leaders to begin new works throughout our country. Again, just ideas. On a more personal note, I look forward to speaking with you about how YOU feel about working with me and Kimme with this. I think that Westminister may be one in a series of starts I may be involved with. We shall see. That would leave you in the drivers seat in time.
"What do you see as your role and giftedness? What would be your role in the first year, second, and third?"
I see myself as the equipping leader. God has gifted me in putting highly effective and creative people together to make things work. I have the gift of vision, seeing down the road, if you will. I dream BIG and see results. However, I must tell you, I am not an administrator. I really need a good administrator that would work with me. I make a good combo with that kind of working relationship. The first year, hard to say. Second year, hard to say. Third year, hard to say. Ultimately, I would probably be lead pastor (that's what they are hiring me for, anyway), but with the understanding that at some point I may transfer leadership to start another one. There is a possibility, however, that you would be the lead, and I assist you. I HAVE NO IDEA. Only God knows. The question is, do you feel called to work with a particular generation... Are those 18-30 year olds a passion for you... Think about it.
"We do not have enough churches and we do not have near enough churches with God-focus...this has to change and I get giddy thinking I could be a part of that."
"Let me know if you are still thinking about this and when we can talk more."
Yeah, this week is real tough because Kimme works 6 days straight. She will not be free until Thanksgiving, and then on Sunday, we leave for Westminister to look for housing. I'd really like her to be there for the talks. As it is, I'll give her a copy of this e-mail and the one you sent. I have tried to keep her informed. If, however, you need to chat THIS WEEK, we could arrange it. Kimme may fall asleep on us! Wed. night might be best but that's up to you. We are off at church this Wed. (no activities in lieu of Thanksgiving). Call me, and at least you and I could do lunch. I have plans on Tuesday for lunch, but give me some suggestions.
Clay's Respose:
You are further along than I realized. It is good to
wait until Kimmie (sp?) can talk with us without
falling asleep... unless she talks in her sleep,
maybe. Ya'll let us know when you are ready. Allison
and I are leaving Tue. morning and will be back Fri.
evening. I'm sure you will be focused on your trip
then so we can wait to talk if you want. Enjoy,
relax, buy a pretty house, and dream big dreams.
I'm calling Bill Crowe to find out what I can from his
end. Even though it is crazy early, Allison and I are
feeling peaceful about this. You have a solid mix of
confidence/ability and humility that makes this good.
We are praying.
Take care,
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