
Wow... at the Towson Mall today, studying and reading while in Starbucks. Wow. I need to do this more and more. I watched as a parade of mothers (and I mean a PARADE) came in with their small children. All of this really makes me wonder when God will reveal the person that will put our children's ministry where it needs to be. The one to do the leg work, that has the passion for children, and is complete step with Horizon's vision for a multiplication of churches. Towson is TEAMING with young parents RIGHT within our target group age-wise. The crowd is a bit richer, which makes me wonder a few other things. Would the average Towson mom enjoy our Towson AMC that's dark and sometimes not the cleanest place in the world? I don't think so... As I type, the parade continues. Yeesh. Anyway... if there is a way to plug into the lives of these ladies, meet them where they are... maybe we could find a leader among them that would draw others to be a part. Food for thought.


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