From --
"All I have to say is the most important part of church ought be the message; not the method."
I 100% agree with you. That's why the method is so important. Jesus called us to be like the disciples, "fishers of men." You don't fish the same way for every sort of fish. That's where method matters. When we get to the point where one way of fishing is the only way to fish, then we have gone the way of the Pharisees (and poor fishermen). The message NEVER changes. The truths of Scripture NEVER changes. The need for a Savior NEVER changes. Culture, however, does... an unfortunate truth for those of us with the timeless Truth.
"Funny you say fishers of men. I wrote a parable on this them awhile back. Check it out ( Nothing special, just fitting to what we're talking about ..."
Thanks for posting it; I am glad to wrestle with this subject with a fellow fisherman.
If I may, though... I think it was a bit of a strawman. I understand the meaning: the old, less flashy yet tried and true method won the day while the "community" dug up trash and caught on fire. More strawmen in the opening portion:
"Mixed with the fear of our faiths' tendency toward unexamined adaptation, we shudder when our church begins ushering in multi-media presentations to "enhance" the worship experience, or increase the time taken to sing redundant and theologically weak praise songs (as the pews shelves remain undisturbed with dusty hymnals). We wring our hands as churches seemingly spawn like coffee chains and retail stores, where we pick and choose our flavors of faith, cushioned by music and bands and premium coffee, assured in the comfort of exit polls that determine if predestination and justification by faith are passé."
Wow... where to begin? Maybe I will leave us with a statistic:
Every day in America among evangelical churches, we lose over 10 churches. How many do we gain? A little over 4 a day. The net loss? 6.85.
Every day.
At some point the 50 year old fishing rod our dads gave us breaks (the method by which we fish). The gears where out. The handel slips. A new rod is necessary. God said it best: "Behold, I am doing a new thing." And though there is truly "nothing new under the sun" there sure is a difference between the 1950s and 2004. What's the diiference? A net loss of 6.85 churches every day.
Quote DCCowan:
"'What's the diiference? A net loss of 6.85 churches every day.'
Let us remember....
After Jesus performed a bunch of miracles, the majority of His disciples/followers left Him because they did not like the word He spoke. And He did not try to stop them.
All He did was turn to those who stayed and said 'will you also leave Me...'
The Lord is not after quantity as much as He is after quality."
He is also not about to let his church be ineffective without consequences. Remember the church in Ephesus and Jesus' words for it? God's presence and power would leave unless they remembered what it was like to be lost... and unless they remembered their first love.
Many times churches use their ineffectiveness as an excuse, as a way to make themselves feel better, IMO. They make themselves believe it's because they truly love God that no one comes anymore. That THAT'S the reason they are closing their doors for the last time, never thinking that it just might be that God has "removed the lampstand from their midst" -- the working power of His Holy Spirit.
Posts today from the
Sha^2 wrote:
"It seems that many churches and younger congregations now seek making the Truth relevant by watering it down rather than refusing ot compromise the message and making the presentation of it relevant, without compromising the Truth."
If the Truth of the Gospel is tampered with, it is no longer the Gospel. And Paul is quite clear about what to do with someone who preaches "another gospel." They are to be "eternally condemned." Strong words, and rightly so.
But, I wonder... perhaps those of us who are Christians and have been for a while, even within this PoMo generation have forgotten what it's like to be lost, or even remember NEVER hearing a Scripture verse?
Imagine having to explain the gospel to someone who has never heard? Think I am thinking of Africa or India? No... try Maryland. I am a church planter here, I can say from first hand experience that we (Horizon) are sharing Jesus with those who have literally no idea that the Bible is divided into an Old and a New Testament. They have no idea that it's divided into chapters and verses. They have never read a single verse. Imagine starting from 0, and getting them to understand what Jesus did for us with the cross and resurrection?
To a Christian that was raised in Sunday School, listening in on a conversationl between such a person and a church planter, the explanations may sound enemic and weak, perhaps even watered down -- but does that make it so?
The proof is in the fruit. And with over 70% of our evangelical churches on plateau or in decline... one has to wonder... what's happening? We are losing ground with each subsequent generation in America and throughout the world. Ah! But, what great times we live in!? There has never been a better time for sharing our faith... ever! Let's get busy translating Christianese into this generation's vocabulary.
Sha^2 wrote:
"It seems that many churches and younger congregations now seek making the Truth relevant by watering it down rather than refusing ot compromise the message and making the presentation of it relevant, without compromising the Truth."
If the Truth of the Gospel is tampered with, it is no longer the Gospel. And Paul is quite clear about what to do with someone who preaches "another gospel." They are to be "eternally condemned." Strong words, and rightly so.
But, I wonder... perhaps those of us who are Christians and have been for a while, even within this PoMo generation have forgotten what it's like to be lost, or even remember NEVER hearing a Scripture verse?
Imagine having to explain the gospel to someone who has never heard? Think I am thinking of Africa or India? No... try Maryland. I am a church planter here, I can say from first hand experience that we (Horizon) are sharing Jesus with those who have literally no idea that the Bible is divided into an Old and a New Testament. They have no idea that it's divided into chapters and verses. They have never read a single verse. Imagine starting from 0, and getting them to understand what Jesus did for us with the cross and resurrection?
To a Christian that was raised in Sunday School, listening in on a conversationl between such a person and a church planter, the explanations may sound enemic and weak, perhaps even watered down -- but does that make it so?
The proof is in the fruit. And with over 70% of our evangelical churches on plateau or in decline... one has to wonder... what's happening? We are losing ground with each subsequent generation in America and throughout the world. Ah! But, what great times we live in!? There has never been a better time for sharing our faith... ever! Let's get busy translating Christianese into this generation's vocabulary.
Just saying "hello."
Cool day at home with Kimme and the kiddoes. Love my family...
Kimme made breakfast, home-made pancakes. Yeah, baby! Plus, we still had some 100% pure Maple syrup, which rocks the hizzle. I dunno, that fake stuff (which is just pure sugar) just doesn't compare. Look at me. I know what I am talking about.
Nice snow outside. May make a snow man or have a snowball fight. We'll see... *muhahahaha*
Cool day at home with Kimme and the kiddoes. Love my family...
Kimme made breakfast, home-made pancakes. Yeah, baby! Plus, we still had some 100% pure Maple syrup, which rocks the hizzle. I dunno, that fake stuff (which is just pure sugar) just doesn't compare. Look at me. I know what I am talking about.
Nice snow outside. May make a snow man or have a snowball fight. We'll see... *muhahahaha*
Well, I am at the Starbucks again. :)
I am REALLY enjoying my time in Towson. What a cool place with cool people. It's full of people going places, that's for sure... Just wonder where they are going.
Today was great because I spent the morning and early afternoon with Roger Kim, a church planter -- now pastor -- of a church that meets on Johns Hopkins campus property. It was such a pleasure hanging with him! His work is approximately 70% Asian (he's Korean) which jives with me (many of my friends in college were from the east, as well as Kimme being 1/2 Okinawan, etc.) His church meets at 1:30, I think, which is also cool. It means, unlike many churches, I can come and visit without missing Horizon's services. Likewise, he can come and check us out. :) Besides all of that, I think we could become friends, and that's always a blessing!
Tonight is link group @ Tronster's "geek house." Can't wait. What an awesome Link Group. It's mosdef something I look forward to: good times, good times.
Another random thought:
I love Auntie Anne's catch phrase -- "Better than the best you've ever tasted." That's boldness, and in their case... the truth. But, I would hate to compare Jesus with a pretzel.
I am REALLY enjoying my time in Towson. What a cool place with cool people. It's full of people going places, that's for sure... Just wonder where they are going.
Today was great because I spent the morning and early afternoon with Roger Kim, a church planter -- now pastor -- of a church that meets on Johns Hopkins campus property. It was such a pleasure hanging with him! His work is approximately 70% Asian (he's Korean) which jives with me (many of my friends in college were from the east, as well as Kimme being 1/2 Okinawan, etc.) His church meets at 1:30, I think, which is also cool. It means, unlike many churches, I can come and visit without missing Horizon's services. Likewise, he can come and check us out. :) Besides all of that, I think we could become friends, and that's always a blessing!
Tonight is link group @ Tronster's "geek house." Can't wait. What an awesome Link Group. It's mosdef something I look forward to: good times, good times.
Another random thought:
I love Auntie Anne's catch phrase -- "Better than the best you've ever tasted." That's boldness, and in their case... the truth. But, I would hate to compare Jesus with a pretzel.
Awesome day (well, now yesterday). I met with some fellow church planters from the Baltimore Baptist Association in their NCI group (New Church Incubator). It was a pleasant meeting and good to finally meet up with Roger Kim who pastors a church on the campus of Johns Hopkins University. We meet tomorrow (um... today) @ Panera Bread in Towson. I am looking forward to chillin' with him.
Afterwards, we met for lunch with Dr. David Lee, the BCMD's Executive Director. We had a lot of dialogue about church planters versus existing church pastors. He expressed many of the concerns pastors have about church planting and, mainly, church planters. Some of my thoughts to pastors:
1. No, I do not think you are stupid or out-dated. NO WAY. Likewise, do not consider me to be "green," lacking experience, and unorthodox.
2. No, I do not think traditional worship is bad, evil, and ancient history. Likewise, do not consider the way I worship to be bad, evil, or a new form of an old heresy.
3. I do not attend a lot of meetings because I try to devote my time to connecting with pre-Christians.
4. I am hard to reach because I have no secretary. My cell phone and my laptop is my office.
5. Call me anyway... let's connect. I want to learn from you and hopefully I can give you something in return.
6. I give to the Coopertive Program; please do not stereotype ALL church plants to be the same. Some of us know our roots and from where we came.
7. I speak a different language than you, but the content is the same.
More later... It's late! *yawn*
Afterwards, we met for lunch with Dr. David Lee, the BCMD's Executive Director. We had a lot of dialogue about church planters versus existing church pastors. He expressed many of the concerns pastors have about church planting and, mainly, church planters. Some of my thoughts to pastors:
1. No, I do not think you are stupid or out-dated. NO WAY. Likewise, do not consider me to be "green," lacking experience, and unorthodox.
2. No, I do not think traditional worship is bad, evil, and ancient history. Likewise, do not consider the way I worship to be bad, evil, or a new form of an old heresy.
3. I do not attend a lot of meetings because I try to devote my time to connecting with pre-Christians.
4. I am hard to reach because I have no secretary. My cell phone and my laptop is my office.
5. Call me anyway... let's connect. I want to learn from you and hopefully I can give you something in return.
6. I give to the Coopertive Program; please do not stereotype ALL church plants to be the same. Some of us know our roots and from where we came.
7. I speak a different language than you, but the content is the same.
More later... It's late! *yawn*
Ok... so, I am using the T-Mobile thingy @ Starbucks... something I thought I would never do. Primarily because wireless internet is free across from the Apple Store. It's just that this place is full of Horizonites everytime I go.
This morning was interesting because it was primarily 60+ in age. But that was only for a short bit. Today, like last week, it's been a parade of mothers aged 25-35 with 4 year olds and under. Yep. Here is another, with twins. :)
However, today what stands out the most is the fact that there are TONS of singles today. ALL Horizon types. Question is... how to connect? Wish I owned Starbucks. Not a fan of their coffee, but man... they can draw a crowd. Interesting note, as well... most of the crowd here is female. I'd say like 80%. Every now and then, a guy will walk in and ask me about my PowerBook. But, that's about it. One guy just walked in and has stared at it. (HAHAHA... AS I WAS TYPING THAT: "Say... you like that Mac?") That's twice in 20 minutes. Always the guys.
Back to matter at hand...
How to connect with the singles and mom's with the little ones? Hum...
This morning was interesting because it was primarily 60+ in age. But that was only for a short bit. Today, like last week, it's been a parade of mothers aged 25-35 with 4 year olds and under. Yep. Here is another, with twins. :)
However, today what stands out the most is the fact that there are TONS of singles today. ALL Horizon types. Question is... how to connect? Wish I owned Starbucks. Not a fan of their coffee, but man... they can draw a crowd. Interesting note, as well... most of the crowd here is female. I'd say like 80%. Every now and then, a guy will walk in and ask me about my PowerBook. But, that's about it. One guy just walked in and has stared at it. (HAHAHA... AS I WAS TYPING THAT: "Say... you like that Mac?") That's twice in 20 minutes. Always the guys.
Back to matter at hand...
How to connect with the singles and mom's with the little ones? Hum...
Wow... at the Towson Mall today, studying and reading while in Starbucks. Wow. I need to do this more and more. I watched as a parade of mothers (and I mean a PARADE) came in with their small children. All of this really makes me wonder when God will reveal the person that will put our children's ministry where it needs to be. The one to do the leg work, that has the passion for children, and is complete step with Horizon's vision for a multiplication of churches. Towson is TEAMING with young parents RIGHT within our target group age-wise. The crowd is a bit richer, which makes me wonder a few other things. Would the average Towson mom enjoy our Towson AMC that's dark and sometimes not the cleanest place in the world? I don't think so... As I type, the parade continues. Yeesh. Anyway... if there is a way to plug into the lives of these ladies, meet them where they are... maybe we could find a leader among them that would draw others to be a part. Food for thought.
Well, soon in will be January 7, 2004. That will mark 9 years of marriage with Kimme. Unbelieveable that it's been that long! This March will make 14 years together. Amazing.
What can I say about the nine years? All I can say is that I am in more love with Kimme now than I have ever been. Words are useless to describe my love for her. Its truly a sad thing that she is so private. I wish more people knew her as I do. Yet, then again... her mystery, in many ways, is for me alone.
PRAYER: God, thank you so much for sending me the love of my life. Thank you for such a great partner in life. It's been a great nine years!
What can I say about the nine years? All I can say is that I am in more love with Kimme now than I have ever been. Words are useless to describe my love for her. Its truly a sad thing that she is so private. I wish more people knew her as I do. Yet, then again... her mystery, in many ways, is for me alone.
PRAYER: God, thank you so much for sending me the love of my life. Thank you for such a great partner in life. It's been a great nine years!
Well, just got back from New Orleans. It was a wonderful time, indeed. It was so good seeing old friends again from the Mix. It was really cool. I was there to help with the wedding ceremony for a dear friend, Judie Armstrong (now Judie Hahn). Nice to see her married.
Also, spending time with Josh (my boy!) was good, as well as Tronster (he came with us). It was a trip seeing Josh tear up the dance floor at the wedding reception! Also, it was so cool showing Tronster my old stomping grounds, places of importance. I even showed him the very spot where I discussed calling something "The Link" with Clay via cell phone (we call our small groups, "Link Groups.") Anyway... it was a true blessing to do all of that.
I do hope that 2004 will be the year of the blog. I have much to say, best that I put it here. :)
Also, spending time with Josh (my boy!) was good, as well as Tronster (he came with us). It was a trip seeing Josh tear up the dance floor at the wedding reception! Also, it was so cool showing Tronster my old stomping grounds, places of importance. I even showed him the very spot where I discussed calling something "The Link" with Clay via cell phone (we call our small groups, "Link Groups.") Anyway... it was a true blessing to do all of that.
I do hope that 2004 will be the year of the blog. I have much to say, best that I put it here. :)
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