
I really have to post here, more. Not sure if anyone reads, but I know I can do better with this...

Seems like I have a lot that I have been learning about myself and others (and God) lately... just need to take the time to write it down.

At the same time... this has been a real busy time in my life. My work load has doubled in recent months... which at one level is bad... in other, great... I have enjoyed it. In fact, I think I do better when I am busier. Go figure...

My prayers mainly go out to Sarah and Matt Etner right now. I love them both dearly, and I am praying for them as Christian parents... anyone reading this, say a prayer for them.

Also, my prayers go out to new found friends Renate and Jody... awesome people, honest in not being Christians, but open to spiritual discussion.

Also, my prayers go out for my family... esp. Kimme and the kiddoes... I love them dearly, and our quality time has been minimal... I hope for some good family quality time soon.

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