

Ok... as you many of you know, I recently compiled a DVD with various Horizon videos on it to hand out. Well, some I also mailed a few copies to people (like Ashley in Germany and Matt/Andrea Battaglia in Missouri). One of the people I mailed a copy to was a boardie in Kansas City from the Moby Boards. Her screen name is SunFlowerSeeds and she is Jewish. She is often in the Spiritual Forum @ Moby.com where you can find me, many times. Well, I had made mention that if anyone wanted a copy of the DVD over there that I would mail it to her... well, she requested a copy and I sent it...

Below is her response... I am astounded.

Hi !

I don't know where to begin..... I drove to Salina Sat morning, Howie and his mates, Sandra & Robert, wanted to watch the CD also.. so there were four of us... ( Howard made pop corn ! )

Sandra is a serious christian, she's baptist, born, bred and raised all into that sounthern gospel thing. She got me into the music, I love some of the WOW worship stuff she listens to, and have even made mention of it on the moby boards. She's got a heart of gold and has told me so many times that Jesus simply had more love for humans than could possibly be explained..... she's fun to banter with on religion, because she never judged me and she never made me feel like an outsider. I've been to church with her a few times at her Grace Baptist Temple in Salina, Pastor Chris is a great guy, always talking about how we're to LOVE each other... and I guess Sandra listens, she's sure full of love for everyone.

Robert, her husband, is a new christian. He got to know Christ through Sandra, who witnessed to him and I guess she decided he was kinda cute. They've been married 10 years, a great couple. Full of compassion for each other, oh they fight, I've seen them, but they are full of so much love and forgiveness. They have no problems saying they believe it's only be the "grace of God" they are still married. That word again, "grace".....

Howie is a great friend. I've been buds with him for YEARS... since college days. He's a christian too, and I've heard him talk for years about Grace......

My point??

Well, we watched the WHOLE video, we watched it all in one sitting......

and the parts about That Dame Grace....

I was in tears.
Literally, in tears.... bawling like a baby.... Sandra got up to get me some kleenex and I couldn't stop crying. They just sat there, quietly, watching me cry, while Sandra held my hand.....as I cried and cried....

I understand.........I never understood before.. but I understand it now... it makes sense...

I can't follow the law exactly... not 100% PERFECTLY, I never could, I never will, and I'm not ever going to....

Jesus made it possible so I didn't HAVE to.... I still believe the law is there for a reason, don't misunderstand, I'm not going to just suddenly decide the law in not important, but I understand GRACE now.....

Grace.. is like Sandra has been telling me for years....You do the BEST you can, and you let Grace cover the rest.. since I can't be perfect, I just do what I can to very best of my human ability and the grace of christ's blood will cover the rest.

How so simple ! How so easy to understand, once you understand it. why did it take so long to understand????

DO I believe Christ died for me ??? YES !!! I do. DO I believe that Christ came to abolish the jewish law?? NO, I don't.....

We stayed up and talked for hours and hours and hours about all of this... The four of us, talking about christ, the law, The Passion of Christ, ( I've never seen it yet, that's next weekend.. ) Howie said there is something called "Messianic Christians" that he thinks I should get a hold of and Jews for Jesus organization I looked up on the internet.

I can't begin, to THANK you and your church, enough, for putting that together. It was so clear to me, it just hit me like a rock. That Dame Grace, oh yes, she's finally, mine

And the rest of the CD, well, it was very very very good, but as you can tell, the grace part was what hit me the hardest.....

so forgive me for not going into how awesome it was that you used movie's and awesome hitory lessons to make a point about fear, that was way too cool.

Because, now I'm scared, I have fear now too.... afraid of "now what?" I've accepted Christ, now what do I do with my jewishness ????? Sandra says "nothing, keep being a jew.. but know that Christ saved you, NOT your law abiding.."

So ! I don't want to be trapped in my fear, I should probably watch that part again.

But anyway, the CD was great, I loved it loved it loved it.

And what talent there must be in your church !!!!!

AND-- my life is different... I don't know what I mean.. I guess, I have things to do...

I won't be on moby too much anymore.. maybe it was just a moment in time for me to "meet" you and have you send that to me.. I do believe that "strange" things happen with our lord.. I've always believed in that...

anyway.... saying "thank you" seems Tawdry, but it's sincere and I appreciate you for what you've done.

I pray for you.......and your family and your church.

Thank you.

From all four of us !

With much gratitude and love,

your sister in Christ : ( I LOVE saying that now ! LOL )


Isn't that AWESOME!? Of course, really her friends there in Kansas City really had much more to do with it. But, "That Dame Grace" was the way in which God delivered the "get it" factor for her... Sweet!



Good is the Enemy of Great

Why settle for good when great is a few steps away? Good is the enemy of great.


MultiCongregational - ONE Church

Ever had a dream hit you square between the eyes? One that you just can't shake off or dismiss? I have... and it's this dream: to be a part of a one church that is made up of many congregations all over the world... a church in which every congregation shares a common vision... common values... the same Lord, and yet is indigenous to it's surrounding community. A church that shares all of it's resources, one in which the good of the whole outweighs the wants of the one... that every congregation is in this church, together... on mission together...

I can see Horizon churches in England, in Africa, in California, in New York, in Seattle, in Miami.... all sharing resources together, sharing the same message, working together in the same missional focus.

I can see people from each location encouraging one another about the stories of what God has been doing all over the world, each sending out missionaries to help the other, and each carrying each other's burdens in prayer and action.

Crazy? Maybe... But I can't shake it that this is what I am here on earth to do and be a part of.