
Story/Plot Driven

When Warren's Purpose Driven Church came out in 1995, he sent a shock-wave through modern churches. This primer on church life also rocked my world, and it became an influential force in the making of Horizon. But, with a twist...

Here is something I have been thinking about and thought I would share with you. I believe Horizon is Story or Plot Driven... I will need to explain what I mean. lol First of all, what it doesn't mean. This doesn't mean a wishy/washy approach to church... Not by ANY means. It also doesn't mean that Horizon is all about stories, though I do like to speak on Sunday mornings best from Bible stories. Here is what I do mean:

As a story contains a main plot, so does Horizon. We have one purpose, one goal, and one vision: To connect people with God through Jesus Christ and to each other in authentic community through the multiplication of small groups, Link Groups, and Horizon Churches. Now, much like a plot in a book, this can be worded so many different ways and it's played out through the actions, convictions, and dialogue of the characters. It's not like in a term paper where one states one's thesis. No, this is much more creative than that. The plot thickens as the story develops. And any good story has plot development... this is something wonderful about Horizon. We are on a journey... we know the direction to go, but the story is far from over. In fact, the plot develops as each new person that shares our values and purpose comes aboard. They become characters in the story...

Speaking of characters, Horizon has plenty of those... and there are all kinds. There is the crowd, the community in which we live (think of Warren's concentric circles), and then there are those that are more connected with the story of Horizon. Some attend Link Groups, others to church, and many to both. Some even help tell the story of Horizon to others, and share that they can also be a part of this grand plot. Those are the leaders. Every good vision caster is an excellent story teller and is one that can help develop others into the plot line. Characters add the color to the canvas and a mix of various personalities and giftedness to the story.

more later...


Little Round Top

Kimme and I spent the day in Gettysburg, PA. I absolutely love this town. It's sort of a reflective harbor for me. It's a place I go to look in deep. Today I spent about an hour at Little Round Top. Here, Joshua Chamberlain -one of my life's heroes, led the 20th of Maine against all odds to hold a tiny hill that if lost would have possibly changed the outcome of the Civil War. I spent about 10 minutes at the extreme right flank and another 10 at the extreme left. Strewn about in strange formation, a make-shift wall of rocks was made by these men around 3 PM on July 2, 1863. It still stands today, connecting the distance between each flank. Behind it, stood the 20th of Maine, a green/untried fighting unit led by a former school teacher. After raid after raid from Col. William C. Oates' 15th and 47th Alabama and ammo running horribly low, Joshua Chamberlain gave the order: "Bayonet! Forward to the right!"

Here is what Chamberlain noted of the events:

"At that crises, I ordered the bayonet. The word was enough. It ran like fire along the line, from man to man, and rose into a shout, with which they sprang forward on the enemy, now not 30 yards away. The effect was surprising; many of the enemy's first line threw down their arms and surrendered. An officer fired his pistol at my head with one hand, while he handed me his sword with the other. Holding fast by our right, and swinging forward our left, we made an extended "right wheel," before which the enemy's second line broke and fell back, fighting from tree to tree, many being captured, until we had swept the valley and cleared the front of nearly our entire brigade."

Today, I spent most of my time on a rock that now has a large monument commemorating this feat of heroism. It's supposedly the place where the order was given. I don't know why, but this place just rings so true in my heart and makes me think of my faith and the opposing forces among us:

Paul, a fellow church planter, noted of his own events:

2 Corinthians 4.7-12:
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you."

My prayer is that the church will hear the call for bayonet... let's take on the forces of evil with a fierce faith and a bold love. Tomorrow, Horizon launches it's second church in Towson. I prayed at each section mentioned above on Little Round Top that we will used of God for something amazing, something unexplainable except for His involvement... that he would "show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."



Well, Clay and I have been getting word of people already getting the new Horizon Magazine in the mail! This is an exciting time... I wonder what awesome people we will get to know because of this? I wonder how many lives will be changed? For those that have been praying about this launch, keep it up.